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Ovarian Cancer

Department of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer starts in your ovaries — small organs in the female reproductive system where eggs form. Ovarian cancer is sometimes difficult to detect because symptoms often don’t develop until later stages. Healthcare providers treat ovarian cancer with surgery, chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.


1.Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Most common type, arising from the surface layer of the ovary.

2.Germ Cell Tumors: Develop from egg-producing cells.

3.Stromal Tumors: Originate in hormone-producing cells.


1.Pelvic Exam: Physical examination checking for abnormalities.

2.Imaging Tests: Ultrasound, CT, or MRI scans for visualizing ovarian tumors.

3.Blood Tests: CA-125 and HE4 tests may indicate ovarian cancer.

4.Biopsy: Removal and analysis of tissue to confirm diagnosis.


1.Surgery: Removal of ovarian tumors and affected tissues.

2.Chemotherapy: Drugs to kill or inhibit cancer cells; often used post-surgery.

3.Radiation Therapy: High-energy rays targeting cancer cells (less common).

4.Targeted Therapy: Drugs targeting specific molecules involved in cancer growth.

5.Hormone Therapy: In some cases, hormonal treatments may be considered.

Ovarian Cancer Overview

  • Initial Consultation: Diagnosis through imaging (ultrasound, CT, MRI) and biopsy, followed by consultation with an oncologist or gynecologic surgeon.
  • Pre-Surgery: Pre-operative tests and preparation for the surgery, which may include chemotherapy.
  • Surgery: Ovarian tumor removal, which may involve total abdominal hysterectomy with oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries and uterus), lasting 2 to 6 hours.
  • Post-Surgery: Hospital stay for 5 to 10 days to monitor recovery and manage any complications.
  • Rehabilitation: Recovery with support for managing post-surgical issues and physical rehabilitation.
  • Final Recovery: Ongoing follow-up visits to monitor recovery, manage any residual disease, and ensure there’s no recurrence.
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